Our very first Thunder Day was a huge success: More than 100 publishers and IT experts working with or interested in Thunder came together in Hamburg to exchange experiences, success stories, and business cards. Conclusion: For professional publishing, there is no way to do without Thunder.
Around 120 participants from eleven countries joined us for the first Thunder Day in Hamburg. Most came from Germany but we also welcomed guests from Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States. We had an outstanding lineup of speakers from different areas of the publishing world who shared their experiences and ideas.
At the get-together in the evening, the participants were able to dive into relevant discussions, ask questions, and meet new people as well as consolidate acquaintances made earlier that day or beforehand.
For those who couldn't attend, we have good news: We recorded the sessions in the main room. The videos can be found here: